
  • A. O. ERUOLA



Agriculture, Dams, Failures, Irrigation, Spillway


Besides serving as a center of tourist attraction, creating jobs for the unemployed, a rich source of fish and a fallback in times of drought, a dam also creates electricity from nothing other than the falling of water through its turbines. In Nigeria, like in many other parts of the world, dam projects are often seen as key to economic solution through hydroelectric power supply. The technology of dam construction in Nigeria is still experimental. There are so many unknown factors in dam design, construction and operation that may affect dam’s safety and performance. Relying on field experience from various parts of Nigeria, this paper examines the essential details necessary for consideration in dam planning and design using the complete and accurate information on the important variables such as technical, environmental, socio-cultural, economic or cultural factors. The results of these examined factors indicated that most of dam projects in Nigeria are not properly planned. The basic planning flaws include hydrologic, environmental and social factors which are seen by dam builders as obstacles to be ignored, covered up or surrogated to engineering in the project planning. Incorrect calculation of flood flows has lead to dam failures and reservoir siltation has drastically reduced the lifespan of dams, making one to conclude that the entire concept of dam safety as a design criterion is a new one. It appears that Nigeria will have to live with these flaws and some of these cost for sometimes to come. There is, therefore, the need for us to reduce these through proper planning, design and monitoring of our dams. It is recommended that a comprehensive dam safety study of all old dams (i.e. ≥ 20 years) be carried out.



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