
  • A. A. ADEKITAN Department of Water Resources Management and Agrometeorology, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta
  • O. MARTINS Department of Water Resources Management and Agrometeorology, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta
  • J. A. AWOMESO Department of Water Resources Management and Agrometeorology, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta
  • Z. O. OJEKUNLE Department of Environmental Management and Toxicology, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria




Moringa oleifera, Aluminum hydroxide chloride, Greywater, treatment plant


Two methods of treating water using a natural coagulant and a chemical coagulant were assessed. The natural coagulant was Moringa oleifera seeds (a forest plant) i.e Treatment ‘A’ while the chemical used was Aluminum hydroxide chloride i.e Treatment ‘B’. The aim of this study was to compare the use of a natural coagulant with a chemical coagulant.  Samples were collected at Omida,  Ibara, Mama Cass, Mr Bigg’s and Sidipon village respectively. The filtrate of   Moringa oleifera seed extract was dosed into the greywater sample at 10% dosing range and made to run through a greywater treatment plant while Aluminum Hydroxide Chloride was also dosed at 10% dosing range and made to run through the treatment plant respectively. The greywater treatment plant   is a self designed treatment plant made to treat both water and wastewater. The raw water was firstly analyzed, after which the treated samples were taken to the laboratory for analysis.  Result for the physical, chemical and bacteriological analysis of treatment ‘A’ before and after treatment were as follows: pH (9.3, 9.7), EC (2995, 1175μs), Temperature (27.7, 27.6oc) , TDS (365, 155ppm),  TSS (0.32, 0.30ppm), TS (376, 155ppm), Sulphate (588, 314mg/l), Magnesium (400, 260mg/l), Nitrate (7.5, 6.1mg/l), Phosphate (285, 12mg/l) and total coliform count after treatment is given as (2.8x103 cfu/ml), while that of treatment ‘B’ before and after treatment were as follows: pH(11, 9.9), EC (3000,630), Temperature (27.7, 27.6oc), TDS (0.47, 0.45ppm), TS (416, 320ppm), Sulphate (571, 246mg/l), Magnesium (820,  860mg/l), Nitrate (4.4, 6.0mg/l), Phosphate(169, 6.1mg/l)  the  total coliform count after treatment was  given as ; (3.0x103cfu/ml). One-way Anova test was used to determine differences between results obtained using the two coagulants. The result indicated no significant difference at p=0.05 between the two treatments. Hence, result was further compared with World Health Organization Standard for Drinking Water.  Comparatively, the analysis obtained from water treated with Moringa oleifera was found to be more effective than the chemical coagulant, and can be easily made available for the use of the populace.




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Original Manuscript