
  • O. A FASAE
  • I. J. JAMES




Birth weight, weaning weight, Yankasa, West African Dwarf, Sex, Birth type.


Data on birth weights (BW) and weaning weights (WW) in lambs of Yankasa, West African dwarf (WAD) breeds and their crosses were analyzed.  The effects of breed, parity, sex, type of birth, management system and season were determined. Yankasa lambs had the highest mean BW (2.57kg) which was significantly (P < 0.05) higher than that of WAD (1.68kg) and their crosses (2.05kg). Breed, parity, sex, type of birth and season had significant (P< 0.05) effect BW and WW.  Male lambs in comparison with female lambs had higher (P < 0.05) BW and WW while single-born lambs in comparison with multiple-born lambs had higher (P < 0.05) WW. A highly significant positive correlation (0.719) was estimated between BW and WW of lambs across breed.  It was concluded that the differences in factors influencing BW and WW at early phases might have risen from the variation among breeds and factors monitored. Therefore, BW and WW could provide useful information for early selection criteria in breeding programmes, serving as an important role in expression of genetic potential in lambs.


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