



Milk offtake, Strongyle, Haematology, Biochemical, Physiological, Lambs


Milk offtake of dam, strongyle egg count, haematological, biochemical and physiological parameters of lambs were examined in West African Dwarf and Yankasa sheep. Rectal temperature, pulse rate and respiratory rate were also determined.  The West African Dwarf (WAD) lambs had higher haemoglobin concentration (9.12g/dl), lymphocytes (54.93%), glucose content (48.80mg/l), serum glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase (65.97ul/L), pulse rate (65.90beats/minute) and rectal temperature (38.340C) while the Yankasa lambs had higher packed cell volume (28.93%), white blood cell (15540Cumm3), red blood cell (10.03x106mm), total protein (69.96g/l), serum glutamate pyruvate transaminase (18.12ul/L) and  respiratory rate (38.90breath/minute). The West African Dwarf Dams had higher value of milk offtake and their lambs had lower percentage of strongyle egg count. Milk offtake  was significantly correlated with lamb’s white blood cells (r=0.84) and lymphocytes (r=0.55) in WAD sheep while it was significantly correlated with red blood cells (r=0.65) and neutrophils (-0.61) in Yankasa sheep.  There was a significant but negative correlation between milk offtake of dams and strongyle egg count (r= -0.48) in Yankasa sheep. White blood cell was superior to other blood parameters in estimating milk offtake in WAD sheep. Therefore, the West African Dwarf dams and lambs could be selected for milk production and better future performance because of the lower strongyle burden. High milk producing Yankasa ewes tends to confer immunity against strongyle burden in their lambs.



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