
  • A. W. SALAU




Intercropping, Cucurbita maxima, Pumpkin, Cassava, Manihot esculenta, Odongbo, Idileru, TMS 30572, Soil microenvironment


Experiments were conducted in Abeokuta, Nigeria in a forest-savanna transition zone to evaluate the effects of intercropping pumpkin with cassava (Cv. Odongbo Idileru and TMS 30572) on soil micro environment, weed control, crop growth and yields. Experimental design used was Randomized Complete Block Design with three replicates. Intercropping cassava with pumpkin significantly reduced supra-optimal soil temperature by 1.1-2.4 0C and weed biomass by 19-140%, and increased soil moisture content by 19-33g kg,-1 light interception by 67% and earthworm cast by 87% compared with sole cassava. Intercropping did not significantly affect the vegetative characters, number of days to harvesting and harvest duration of pumpkin, irrespective of the cassava cultivars. However, intercropping with cassava significantly increased the aggregate leaf area index of both crops by 35-77% and 45-58% compared with sole cropped pumpkin and cassava, respectively. Although, tuber yield of cassava was significantly reduced by 7-11% when intercropped with pumpkin, yield advantage of intercropping increased by 42-91% compared to sole cropping.  Irrespective of the cropping system; TMS 30572 produced higher tuber yield of 5-20% than “Idileru†and 21-41% than “Odongboâ€. It is concluded that pumpkin can be grown in mixture with cassava to provide a suitable environment for growth, but this depends on the cassava cultivar. Using a short early maturing cassava cultivar with a moderate leaf area index (TMS 30572) in a mixture with pumpkin is therefore recommended.



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