
  • P. A.S. SOREMI
  • V. I.O. OLOWE
  • J. O. AZEEZ



Two field trials were conducted at Abeokuta and Ibadan with the aim of investigating the performance of upland rice (NERICA® 2) in inland valley Rainforest / Savannah transitory zone of South West Nigeria as influenced by tillage practise, seeding method and spacing. The trials were arranged in split-split plot fitted to randomised completely blocked design, replicated thrice. The main plot was tillage (minimum tillage and conventional); sub-plot was seeding method (dry dibble and transplanting) and
the sub-sub plot was spacing (15 cm × 15 cm, 20 cm × 20 cm and 25 cm × 25 cm). Dry dibble had significantly more number of tillers, leaf area index and dry matter accumulation than transplanted rice at both locations. Most growth parameters, at both locations had a significant increase with increasing
plant population density, except dry matter accumulation. At both locations, transplanted rice had a significant longer flowering and maturity duration than dibble method. In Abeokuta, conventional tillage had significantly longer panicle length than minimum tillage. Dry dibble method had significantly more number of panicle/m2 at Abeokuta, while significantly more number of grains/panicle was observed at Ibadan than transplanting. Increasing plant population density significantly depressed some yield components and yield at Ibadan.


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