Building footprint, Remote sensing and GIS, Urbanization, Urban flood, Vulnerability mapping, Egberi RiverAbstract
This study assessed urban flood impact, flood water quality and vulnerability around Olodo area of Ibadan region, Nigeria. The study employed remote sensing and GIS techniques in creating vulnerability and risk maps. Digital terrain model (DTM) was used to get the topography of the study area. Footprints of buildings along the Egberi riverbank and flood plain in Olodo were created in the GIS environment from high resolution satellite imagery. Buffering operation was conducted to classify the buildings into risk zones based on closeness to the riverbank using ArcGIS 10.0. The study revealed that 326 buildings were within the very vulnerable and vulnerable zones because they were less than 15.2m away from the riverbank. The characteristics of water quality change during the flood and non-flood periods. TSS, DO, NOD, and COD were all higher during the flood event. Microbial analysis showed that water quality levels in the floodwater exceeded water quality standards (e.g., the coliform excess from 10 to 10,000 times), and thus this may be a health risk for local people during flood events. Concentration of Escherichia coli (E. coli) ranged from 484 to 1290 cfu/100 mL during flooding compared to 192 to 295 cfu/100 mL after flood. Salmonella was found to be high ranging from 659 to 1840 cfu/100 mL during flooding compared to 530 to 1034 cfu/100 mL after flooding.
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