
  • F. M. ALAYAKI Department of Civil Engineering, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta
  • A. AL-TABBAA Engineering Department, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
  • M. J. AYOTAMUNO Faculty of Engineering, Rivers State University of Science and Technology, Nigeria



Drill Cuttings Ash, Soil, Stabilisation, road construction, Niger Delta


his study investigated potential of the use of Drill Cuttings Ash (DCA) in the stabilisation of Niger Delta soils for road construction. Most of the in-situ soils encountered in the region are fine-grained and highly plastic that would require special treatment. Four soil samples were obtained and the following tests were carried out: classification, compaction, California Bearing Ratio (CBR), and Unconfined Compressive strength (UCS). Dry DCA quantities ranging 2 – 8 percentages by weight of the soil was added to the air-dried soils for the stabilisation process. They were classified as A-6 (clayey soil), A-2-6 (clayey sand), A-3 (silty fine sand), and A-4 (silty clay soil). Generically, the unstabilised soils were fine-grained having low to medium plasticity, with low shear strength. Other results showed that 6% DCA content caused improvement in the texture, plasticity, and dry density of the clayey soil, while its CBR and UCS parameters compared favourably well with the unstabilised soil values. Also, there was increase in CBR value of the clayey soil after soaking for 24 hours. DCA increased the plasticity of the clayey sand, silty fine sand, and silty clay soil, and there was no substantial improvement in their strength properties. These results showed that DCA would be useful in improving clayey soilswhich are known to be prone to excessive swelling and difficult to handle during construction especially after heavy rainfall.





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