
  • A. OLANREWAJU Department of Animal Production Technology
  • M. Y. SODAMOLA Department of Animal Production Technology
  • Y. A. ADEJOLA Department of Animal Production Technology
  • E. APIAKASON Department of Animal Production Technology
  • D. D. OLADEJI Department of Animal Production Technology
  • T. I. BAMIBE Department of Animal Production Technology
  • O. D. TIAMIYU Department of Animal Production Technology


Garlic, King of bitters, carcass characteristics, blood parameters, Broiler, Antibiotics


The continuous use and misuse of antibiotics have induced the development of resistance by microorganisms, antibiotics residue in animal products and alteration of natural gut microflora hence alternative growth promoters must be found. This study investigated the effects of dietary Allium sativum powder (ASP) and Andrographis paniculata leaf meal (APLM) supplementations as feed additives on haematological, serum indices, and carcass characteristics of broiler chickens. One hundred and twenty (120) day-old unsexed broiler chicks were randomly distributed into four dietary treatments with each treatment replicated three times, with ten (10) birds per replicate in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD). Four experimental diets were formulated as follows: T1: with inclusion of antibiotics (Oxytetracycline) 13g/25kg of feed, T2: basal feed + ASP at 50g/25kg of feed, T3: basal feed + Andrographis paniculata leaf meal at 50g/25kg of feed, T4: basal feed + Andrographis paniculata leaf meal + Allium sativum powder (ASP) at 50g each/25kg of feed. The carcass characteristics results revealed T2 had the highest values (p<0.05) of dressed weight (85.33%) while T1 had the least value (77.85%). Drum stick weight in T2 and T3 had significantly higher (p<0.05) values of 11.93% and 11.18% while T1 and T4 had the least value of 11.07% and 10.50%.  Inclusion of Andrographis paniculata leaf meal (APLM) and Allium sativum powder (ASP) did not affect the blood parameters and positively influenced carcass traits of the broiler chickens.



Author Biographies

A. OLANREWAJU, Department of Animal Production Technology

Department of Animal Production Technology, Federal College of Agriculture,

Moor Plantation, Apata, Ibadan, Oyo state, Nigeria


M. Y. SODAMOLA, Department of Animal Production Technology

Department of Animal Production Technology, Federal College of Agriculture,

Moor Plantation, Apata, Ibadan, Oyo state, Nigeria


Y. A. ADEJOLA, Department of Animal Production Technology

Department of Animal Production Technology, Federal College of Agriculture,

Moor Plantation, Apata, Ibadan, Oyo state, Nigeria


E. APIAKASON, Department of Animal Production Technology

Department of Animal Production Technology, Federal College of Agriculture,

Moor Plantation, Apata, Ibadan, Oyo state, Nigeria


D. D. OLADEJI, Department of Animal Production Technology

Department of Animal Production Technology, Federal College of Agriculture,

Moor Plantation, Apata, Ibadan, Oyo state, Nigeria


T. I. BAMIBE, Department of Animal Production Technology

Department of Animal Production Technology, Federal College of Agriculture,

Moor Plantation, Apata, Ibadan, Oyo state, Nigeria


O. D. TIAMIYU , Department of Animal Production Technology

Department of Animal Production Technology, Federal College of Agriculture,

Moor Plantation, Apata, Ibadan, Oyo state, Nigeria



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Original Manuscript