
  • K. A. SANWO Department of Animal Production and Health, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Abeokuta, Nigeria.
  • A. V. ADEGOKE Department of Animal Production and Health, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Abeokuta, Nigeria.
  • O. S. AKINOLA Department of Animal Production and Health, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Abeokuta, Nigeria.
  • C. P. NJOKU Department of Animal Production and Health, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Abeokuta, Nigeria.
  • S. O. OKOLO Department of Animal Production and Health, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Abeokuta, Nigeria.
  • N. A. OLADIPO Department of Animal Production and Health, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Abeokuta, Nigeria.
  • A. S. OLADEJO Department of Animal Production and Health, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Abeokuta, Nigeria.



Meat Quality, improved indigenous chicken, Turmeric, Clove


The experiment was conducted to investigate meat quality of improved indigenous chickens (FUNAAB alpha) fed diet containing turmeric (Curcuma longa) and clove (Syzigium aromaticum) powders. One hundred and thirty-five (135) mixed sexed day-old improved indigenous FUNAAB alpha chicks were brooded collectively for two weeks, and assigned into three (3) treatment groups. Each treatment was replicated three times, consisting of fifteen (15) birds. Feed and water were provided ad-libitum through the duration of experiment. The control group was fed the basal diet at starter and  finisher phases (T1), while the other groups were fed clove (Syzygium aromaticum) powder at 3 g/kg (T2) and turmeric (Curcuma longa) (T3) powder at 4 g/kg respectively as additives.   Data obtained were subjected to a One – Way Analysis of Variance in a Completely Randomised Design. Muscle obtained after evisceration was subjected to quality analysis. Proximate composition of meat obtained from chickens fed the basal diet had the highest (p<0.05) moisture content value of 75.45% compared to other treatments. Water absorptive capacity and cook loss of meat obtained from chickens fed 4 g/kg dietary turmeric showed (p<0.05) values of 3% and 16.4% respectively. Meat sensory properties analysed revealed (p<0.05) score in groups fed 3g/kg and 4 g/kg clove and turmeric powders respectively, for tenderness (6.14) and overall acceptability (7.19). Meanwhile (p<0.05) lipoprotein profile was observed in group fed 4 g/kg turmeric powder. Inclusion, turmeric and clove had beneficial effects on FUNAAB Alpha.



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