
  • V. O. A. OJO
  • A. B. J. AINA
  • T. A. AMOLE
  • Y. U. ANELE
  • P. A. DELE
  • S. A. ADEOYE
  • O. J. IDOWU




Tephrosia bracteolata, Gmelina arborea, agronomic performance, stage of growth


This study was carried out to investigate the growth, dry matter yield and chemical composition of Tephrosia bracteolata and Gmelina arborea at Teaching and Research Farm, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of different stages of growth of T. bracteolata and G. arborea on their agronomic performance, herbage yield and nutritive value in the humid zone of Nigeria. Data were collected at 8, 12, 16 and 20 weeks after planting (WAP). Results showed that T. bracteolata attained the height of 161 cm at 20 WAP, though not significantly different from the height at 16 WAP. The leaf number (24), branch number (7) and dry matter yield of T. bracteolata were recorded highest at 16 WAP. The height of G. arborea was on constant increase throughout the experimental period. The crude protein (CP) and ether extract (EE) contents of the two browse plants were highest at 8 WAP and thereafter, declined throughout the experimental period. Fibre fractions, the neutral detergent fibre (NDF), acid detergent fibre (ADF) and acid detergent lignin (ADL) had a least value for both browse species at 8 WAP and highest values at 20 WAP. From the study, considering the dry matter yield and nutritive value, T. bracteolata being an annual species, can be harvested at 16 WAP when the quality and quantity will support livestock productivity and can be conserved to be fed to ruminant animals during dry season when feed availability and quality are extremely low. However, planting of G. arborea should be encouraged being a perennial browse plant that will support livestock productivity during the dry season in the tropics. In conclusion, T. bracteolata and G. arborea grow rapidly and are recommended as forage of high nutritive values that meet ruminant animal protein requirements especially during the dry season.


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