
  • K. O. BELLO
  • A. O. FANIMO



Indigenous poultry, population, Yewa North


A study was conducted to determine the types and spatial distribution of Indigenous Poultry (IP) in Yewa North Local Government Area of Ogun State. Five locations (Idofoi, Ibese, Imasai, Eggua and Ayetoro) were randomly selected across the geographical distribution of the Local Government Area. Data were collected from 75 respondents comprised of 15 each from the locations using a well structured questionnaire and analyzed using descriptive statistics. The result revealed that women were more involved (57.3%) in indigenous poultry production in the area. Fowl (chicken) population dominated (57.3%) and was widely distributed followed by duck (24.5%) and guinea fowl (8.60%) while turkey recorded the least population (2.4%). Eggua recorded the highest (27.3%) chicken population whereas Ayetoro had the least (15%). However, Imasai had the overall highest (22.90%) indigenous poultry in the study area while the least was recorded in Ibese (16.2%). Major challenges militating against IP in the area were disease (33.3%), pilfering (14.6%), and socio-taboo (8.0%). Only 2.7% respondents indicated feeding as a problem militating against IP. The study concluded that female and the aged were major indigenous poultry farmers in Yewa North Local Government Area of Ogun State and the prevailing indigenous poultry were chickens, ducks and guinea fowls with turkey having the least population. Imasai had the highest poultry population followed by Eggua while Ibese had the least population. Majority of the people in Yewa North Local Government Area reared indigenous poultry for income and domestic use.



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