EVALUATION OF Tithonia diversifolia AND Chromolaena odorata RESIDUES AS POTENTIAL ORGANIC COMPOST MATERIALS FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF Meloidogyne incognita ON COWPEA (Vigna unguiculata L. WALP)






Screen house studies were conducted to assess the efficacy of Tithonia diversifolia and Chromolaena
odorata powder as alternative organic fertilizer materials in comparison with the local commercial
neem organic fertilizer in the management of Meloidogyne incognita infection on cowpea (Vigna unguiculata
var. Ife Brown). The experiments were laid out in completely randomized design with six replications.
Cowpea seedlings were raised in sterilized soils in plastic pots and inoculated with 5000 eggs of
M. incognita at two weeks after emergence. At 60 days after emergence, destructive sampling of
plants was done to assess nematode indices: root galls, nematode population and reproduction factor.
Results obtained show that growth and yield of cowpea was significantly(p<0.05) improved by Tithonia
and Chromolaena soil amendments effectively as the neem fertilizer. It also show that, M. incognita
infectivity (number of galls, nematode population, reproduction) were significantly(p<0.05) reduced by
Tithonia and Chromolaena soil amendments as the neem fertilizer. The findings of this study recommend
the residues of these common weeds for evaluation in organic composting with potential for
plant parasitic nematode management combined with release of nutrient to plants as organic fertilizer..


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