Yield, Cone of Depression, Hand-Dug Wells, Drawdown, Ewekoro.Abstract
Groundwater serves as supplements to the surface water supply in Ewekoro area of Ogun State because of the output of the public surface water supply system in the area which cannot sustain the needs of the teeming populace of the Ewekoro residence. Pumping tests were conducted on twenty five (25) selected boreholes and twenty five (25) hand-dug wells within Ewekoro area to ascertain the yield of these water sources. Constant rate pumping test for boreholes and recovery method test for hand-dug wells were carried out in residential community of Ewekoro, South-West Nigeria. It was revealed that discharge is directly proportional to the yield of the boreholes and hand-dug wells at a constant drawdown; hence the discharge rate determines the yield of each of the selected boreholes. The average depth of the existing boreholes were found to be 60.32m higher than the depth of hand-dug wells whose average depth was found to be 8.28m in the investigated area. The borehole discharges ranged from 3.0×10-2l/s to 6.0×10-2 l/s with an average discharge of 4.0×10-2 l/s while the discharges from the hand-dug wells ranged from 1.0×10-2 l/s to 6.0×10-2 l/s with an average discharge of 2.0×10-2 l/s. Transmissibility ranged from 8.64 to 6912 /day with an average value of 777.6/day and from 8.64 to 35,424 /day with an average value of 7344/day respectively for boreholes and hand-dug wells. Average residual drawdown of 7.48m, average Static Water Level of 22.1m within a range of 4.41m to 48.1m, average Specific Capacity and Well Loss Constant were 6.0×10-3 m2/s and 0.616×104 s2/m5 respectively with maximum Transmissibility of 8.0×10−2 m2/s (6912 m2/day) were recorded for Ewekoro boreholes while the average residual drawdown of 0.93m, average Static Water Level of 2.04m within a range of 0.64m to 4.94m, mean Specific Capacity and Well Loss Constant (WLC) of 6.2×10-2 m2/s and 1.247×104 s2/m5 respectively with maximum Transmissibility of 4.1×10−1 m2/s (35,424 m2/day) were recorded for Ewekoro hand-dug wells. The average recovery period of 2483 seconds and 7961 seconds were respectively recorded for Ewekoro boreholes and hand-dug wells. Results from the two water sources in this study, most specifically the transmissibility revealed that investigated aquifer in the study area possesses high groundwater potentials (>500 m2/day) based on standard aquifer potentiality classification and the possibility of exploiting even the shallow aquifers for domestic uses as well as small-scale purposes where the demand for continuous use of public surface water supply is not met. Ewekoro Groundwater yield ranged between 2.86×10−2 l/s and 5.747×10−2 l/s in Boreholes and 5.721×10−3 l/s and 60.976×10−3 l/s in hand-dug wells with coefficient of variation greater than 10%. The yield was not totally dependent on the depths, but also on such parameters as porosity and permeability. Therefore, this implies that the variation exhibited in the hydraulic parameters is high enough to be significant in hydrogeological system of Ewekoro water sources with high prospectivity of meeting the current and future needs of the increasing population in the study area.
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