antimicrobial resistance, chicken, Nigeria, Salmonella, serovars.Abstract
Salmonellosis is a major bacterial disease causing huge economic losses in the poultry industry globally. Most of the Salmonella infections in humans results from the consumption of contaminated poultry and poultry products. This cross-sectional study determined the prevalence of non-typhoidal Salmonella, their serovars and the associated antibiotic resistance pattern in processed chicken carcasses in Lagos, Nigeria. A total of 100 dressed chicken carcasses spread across old layers (n=50) and broilers (n=50) were randomly collected in different live bird markets in Lagos, Nigeria. Culture and identification of Salmonella spp. were performed using standard bacteriological techniques followed by antimicrobial susceptibility test using the disk diffusion technique. Serotyping was performed at a Salmonella reference laboratory in Padova, Italy. A 16% Salmonella prevalence was obtained in this study spread across eight serovars (Bredeney, Wagadugu, Telelkebir, Corvallis, Chomedey, Kentucky, Nima and Hato). Five (31.25%) isolates were found in broilers while 11 (68.75%) isolates were from old layers. Of the 16 antimicrobial agents tested, seven of the positive Salmonella isolates were susceptible to all antimicrobial agents tested while out of the remaining 9 isolates, 6 were resistant to nalixidic acid (NAL), 5 showed resistance to each of spiramycin (SPR), sulphonamides (SSS) and tetracycline (TET). The presence of non-typhoidal Salmonella serovars and the antimicrobial resistant nature of some serovars impose public health challenges on the healthcare system and suggest poor hygiene practices and misuse/abuse of drugs in the poultry industry in the study location.
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