Animal manures, Corchorus olitorius L. fresh shoot yield, residual effects, soil pH kineticsAbstract
Availability of nutrients from different manure origins when soil pH changes to support
plants yield in order to encourage food security due to increment of global change is
critical. Hence, manure variability such as types, rates and application time on soil pH
necessitates further study. This experiment probed effects of three animal-manures and
their residuals on soil pH kinetics and Fresh Shoot yield (FSY) response of Corchorus
olitorius L. A randomized complete block design experiment was conducted for 154 days;
three cycles of 42 days per cycle with three replications. The rate of dried cattle, goat and
poultry manures incorporated separately once at onset of the research were; 5, 10, 20,
-1 -1 40, 60, 80, 120 and 150 t ha . Besides, N P K at 0.4 t ha was added at 14, 56 and 98 15 15 15
Days on separate plots as check (first, second and third cycles). After Incorporation of
manures determination of soil pH was carried out at every 14 days. At 42 Days After
Planting (DAP) in each cycle, Corchorus olitorius L. FSY was assessed. Across cycles,
applied manures increased (p<0.01) soil alkalinity while N P K increased soil acidity. 15 15 15
Increment in FSY of Corchorus olitorius L. irrespective of manure rates at second and
-1 third cycles was more than first cycle. Addition of cattle manure at 40 t ha , goat at 60 t
-1 -1 ha and poultry at 20 t ha enhanced the soil pH and Corchorus olitorius L. performance at
first, second and third cycles.
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