
  • A.I. ALI Department of Geography
  • T. Y. RILWANU Department of Geography
  • E. D. ANYANWU Department of Zoology and Environmental Biology
  • A. I. TANKO Department of Geography
  • B. M BASHIR Department of Geography


Blood, Diseases, Heavy Metals, Permissible Limit, Population, Water


River pollution and its health effects has been one of the main issues in urban water management in Nigeria and globally due to the ever increasing population and developmental activities.  Aba River is being polluted  by a number of domestic, industrial and commercial activities.  The aim of the study was to evaluate the concentrations of some heavy metals in body fluids of the inhabitants living along Aba River, Abia State, Nigeria, using water and blood samples. Water samples were collected from locations along the river within the six selected communities. The communities were  purposely targeted for medical outreach. Convenience sampling was used to select people for blood samples test. Water and blood samples collected were analysed in the laboratory for heavy metals. The water results were compared with national standards. Two-way ANOVA and Pearson correlation co-efficient were used to determine significant differences among the communities and seasons, relationships between metals in water and metals in blood. The results identified 8 heavy metals of varying concentrations in the water and blood samples collected. The dominant metals were: Zinc, Manganese, Iron and Lead recorded in higher concentrations in water in the downstream stations and dry season as well as in blood samples in the communities. Some of the heavy metals in water exceeded acceptable limits while the blood levels though high, were still within cut off levels. High levels of Zn, Mn, Fe and Pb recorded in the bloods portends potential public health risk. A drastic action must be taken to stem the trend.


Author Biographies

A.I. ALI, Department of Geography

Department of Geography, Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria


T. Y. RILWANU, Department of Geography

Department of Geography, Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria


E. D. ANYANWU, Department of Zoology and Environmental Biology

Department of Zoology and Environmental Biology, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Nigeria


A. I. TANKO, Department of Geography

Department of Geography, Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria

B. M BASHIR, Department of Geography

Department of Geography, Gombe State University



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