
  • R. M. BUHARI
  • E. K. OKE
  • M. A. IDOWU
  • T. O. ALORO
  • P. I. OKOLIE


Yellow yam flour, jackbean flour, stiff dough.


Yams (Dioscorea spp) as an indigenous starchy food crop are majorly consumed as yam flour when processed into stiff dough, most especially in the South-western region of Nigeria. This study was carried out to investigate the quality attributes of stiff dough (Amala) from yellow yam (YYF)-jackbean composite flour (JBF). The yellow yam tubers and jackbean seeds were processed into flour, blended and substituted in the ratios of  100:0, 95:5, 90:10, 85:15, 80:20, 75:25, 70:30, 65:35 and 0:100, respectively. The nutritional components, functional and pasting properties were assessed. The stiff dough was analyzed for colour properties and browning index. The sensory attributes were also determined.The nutritional composition of yellow yam (YYF)-jackbean composite flour (JBF) all showed significant differences except for the starch content. The bulk density ranged between 0.76 and 0.88g.ml-1. Peak viscosity and final viscosity range was 217 to 2537 and 199 to 3392RVU, respectively while dispersibility ranged between 60.39 and 76.86%. Water absorption capacity and swelling power ranged from 148.82 to 172.45% and12.23 to 14.23%, respectively while solubility index ranged between 1.13 and 1.44%. Breakdown viscosity and setback viscosity of the composite flour ranged from 53 to 220RVU and 50 to 775.0 RVU, respectively. The colour properties, browning index and sensory attributes of the stiff dough varied significantly. Stiff dough prepared from 100% yellow flour had the highest overall acceptability but comparable stiff dough (Amala)could be produced from yellow flour substituted with jackbean flour at 5%, thus reducing the protein-energy malnutrition in developing countries.



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