Electronic Payment, Mobile Agents, Payment Security, Inter-bank Transactions, Distributed DatabasesAbstract
Commercial interactions between merchants and customers pose a significant concern as they are associated with a large volume of data and complex information, especially when there is a need for switching requirements. This paper presents an agent-based analysis of e-payment transactions with the switching operations. The model adopts an inter-bank transaction network and consists of a terminal point of sale (POI) and three essential players in e-payment: customer, bank (merchant), and the Switch. This study analyses the various payment interactions using agent technology. The agent coordinates movement while the negotiation protocol serves as an internal control of the payment agreements, while the interactive hosts are the platforms that determine the status of transactions. Each agent host is equipped with a Certification Authority (CA) to secure communication between the merchant and the customer. Different transactions that agents could make are examined with formal descriptions. The implementation is achieved in Jade and compares with the object serialization mechanism. The simulation results show higher quality adaptation of agent systems and evidence of agentisation of e-transaction with Switch.
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