



Information system, Security, Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), Self-Efficacy Software development,


Securing information system (IS) has become a critical concern within many sectors of business organisations with significant resources being devoted to the control of security threats. Recently, it has been discovered that incorporating security at the time of development is the best option for having a robust system. This study explores factors that motivate IS owner’s willingness to pay extra cost for a secure software development and validates the relationships among the various variables. Enhanced Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) was used to investigate the factors that influences IS owner’s willingness to pay extra cost for secured software development. Out of all the constructs considered, Self-Efficacy (SE) is found to be significant (β= 0.617, P<0.05) which suggests that self-efficacy is useful for investigating willingness to pay for a secure software development. In addition, the strength of the linear association between Self-Efficacy and Behavioural Intention (BI) (R2 =0.354) implies that Self Efficacy has direct moderate impact on Behavioural Intention to pay extra cost for a secure software development.



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