



attitude, cloud computing, intention, TAM, adoption and self-efficacy


Cloud computing is a viable alternative for meeting the technological needs of many  enterprises with the benefits of instantaneous computing resource fulfillment, technology expenditures at lower costs, common technology platforms that can facilitate standardization and decreased  need for internal technology support personnel. This paper examined the behavioral intention to adopt cloud computing services in large and small organization using an Enhanced Technology Acceptance Model (ETAM). The aim is to investigate the factors affecting cloud computing adoption in Nigeria. The model includes variables that other research has found related to adoption of new computing services and technologies. Regression Analysis was then deployed to test the research hypotheses. The result of regression analysis revealed that attitude and adopters ability to use cloud computing (self-efficacy) were better predictor of intention; perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use of cloud computing were better predictor of attitude; perceived ease of use and the relevant of cloud computing to adopters’ work (job relevance) were the predictor of perceived usefulness.



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