



Genetic Algorithm, Genetic Algorithm Parameters, GA Number of Generations, GA Population Size, Genetic Algorithm Runs, Systems of Linear Equation.


Genetic Algorithm has been successfully applied for solving systems of Linear Equations; however the effects of varying the various Genetic Algorithms parameters on the GA systems of Linear Equations solver have not been investigated. Varying the GA parameters produces new and exciting information on the behaviour of the GA Linear Equation solver. In this paper,  a general introduction on the Genetic Algorithm, its application on finding solutions to the Systems of Linear equation as well as the effects of varying the Population size and Number of Generation is presented. The genetic algorithm simultaneous linear equation solver program was run several times using different sets of simultaneous linear equation while varying the population sizes as well as the number of generations in order to observe their effects on the solution generation. It was observed that small population size does not produce perfect solutions as fast as when large population size is used and small or large number of generations did not really have much impact on the attainment of perfect solution as much as population size.



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