
  • J A Ojo



Algorithm, Databases, Face-recognition, Performance, Pose, Quality and Surveillance.


Many face recognition algorithms perform poorly in real life surveillance scenarios because they were tested with datasets that are already biased with high quality images and certain ethnic or racial types. In this paper a black face surveillance camera (BFSC) database was described, which was collected from four low quality cameras and a professional camera. There were fifty (50) random volunteers and 2,850 images were collected for the frontal mugshot, surveillance (visible light), surveillance (IR night vision), and pose variations datasets, respectively. Images were taken at distance 3.4, 2.4, and 1.4 metres from the camera, while the pose variation images were taken at nine distinct pose angles with an increment of 22.5 degrees to the left and right of the subject. Three Face Recognition Algorithms (FRA), a commercially available Luxand SDK, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) were evaluated for performance comparison in low quality scenarios. Results obtained show that camera quality (resolution), face-to-camera distance, average recognition time, lighting conditions and pose variations all affect the performance of FRAs. Luxand SDK, PCA and LDA returned an overall accuracy of 97.5%, 93.8% and 92.9% after categorizing the BFSC images into excellent, good and acceptable quality scales.



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