



Tithonia diversifolia, extract, anti-inflammatory, analgesic.


This study was carried out to assess the anti-inflammatory and analgesic potentials of aqueous extract of Tithonia diversifolia leaves in laboratory animals. Anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects of aqueous extract of T. diversifolia leaves in laboratory animals were determined using carrageenan induced acute oedema model in rats, thermal and acetic-acid induced writhing tests were assessed in mice. Potentials of aqueous extracts of Tithonia diversifolia leaves at 400 mg/kg was assessed in rats and mice, which were compared with controls; a negative control given 10ml/kg distilled water, positive control groups administered with Indomethacin, aspirin, paracetamol and morphine. The mean percentage inhibition of increase in paw volume was highest in rats to which indomethacin was administered (85.65%), followed by rats administered aspirin (68.40%) which was comparable with that of rats dosed with 400mg/kg of Tithonia diversifolia leave extract (63.79 %). Also, extract increased significantly (P<0.05) the reaction time in the hot plate test (25.18 ª¤¡Þ 0.7*) /s and the percentage inhibition of writhing of (43.92%) was significant at (P<0.05) in groups dosed with the extract and highly comparable with the performance of paracetamol (49.64%) a standard analgesic agent. The study established the anti-inflammatory and analgesic potential of Tithonia diversifolia aqueous leaf extract.


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