
  • I. H. OJO
  • Y. MUSA


Awareness, constraints, improved-production, socioeconomics, participation, youth


The contributions of agriculture to farmers’ income and rural development have been associated to
depend on the active participation of youths who are the potential labour force. The study examined
youth participation in improved agricultural production practices in Sabon Gari Local Government Area
(LGA), Kaduna States. Using multistage sampling procedure, 90 youths from six wards in the LGA
were selected. Structured questionnaire was employed for data collection. The study made use of
primary data which were analysed using descriptive statistics and regression analysis. Findings of the
study showed that majority (86.7%) of the youths were male, 94.4% had formal education, 77.8% did
not belong to any cooperative society, with a mean age of 28 years, household size of 13 person and
farming experience of 15.9 years. Results of regression analysis showed that farming experience
(r=0.190) and membership of cooperative (r=0.582) positively influence youth participation in improved
agricultural production practices. Farming which is the major occupation (-0.383) had negative relationship on youths’ participation in improved agricultural production practices. Based on the information obtained from the study, it could be concluded that extension services is inadequate in the
study area which consequently affects agricultural production. The study therefore, recommend that
extension services that focus on youth programmes should be improved upon by both State and Local
Government authorities in order to educate and stimulate youths’ interest in agriculture.


Author Biographies

I. H. OJO,

Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria



Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria



Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria



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