
  • A. O. SAKA
  • S. Y. ERINOSHO Department of Science and Technology Education
  • A. S. IFAMUYIWA Department of Science and Technology Education


Achievement, learning style, pair programming, think-pair-share, programming achievement


This work examined the effects of the think-pair-share programming strategy on students’ achievement in programming. It also determined the moderating effect of learning styles on students’ achievement in programming. The study adopted a pretest-posttest-control group quasi-experimental research design. One hundred and twenty-two (122) students offering computer studies in senior secondary 2 from the two purposively selected public senior secondary schools in Ijebu Education Division of Ogun State constituted the sample. Computer Programming Achievement Test (CPAT, r = 0.760) and Learning Style Inventory (LSI, r= 0.83) were used for data collection.  Data obtained were analysed through inferential statistics of analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) using IBM SPSS Statistics 23. The finding indicated that the think-pair-share programming strategy significantly improved students’ achievement in the programming aspect of computer studies.  It was also found that learning style is not a strong factor in the learning of programming. The findings suggest that teachers should adopt the think-pair-share programming strategy in the teaching and learning of computer programming in senior secondary schools. It is therefore recommended that teacher education programme should include the strategy as one of the methods in the computer science methods courses to enable would-be teachers to master its nitty-gritty, since it worked in the senior secondary school. Also, the government and school authority should organize series of training through workshops and conferences to enable the teachers to acquire the skills to use the strategy.



Author Biographies

S. Y. ERINOSHO, Department of Science and Technology Education

Faculty of Education, Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye, Ogun State.


A. S. IFAMUYIWA, Department of Science and Technology Education

Faculty of Education, Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye, Ogun State.



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