
  • C. O. OYAFUNKE-OMONIYI Department of Sociology, Olabisi Onabanjo University, Nigeria.
  • A. O. ADEWUSI Department of Sociology, University of Ibadan, Nigeria.



Marriage, Perception, Pressures, Singlehood, Yet-to-marry, Women


Despite the critical disapproval of singlehood in most African societies, Nigeria inclusive, it is most appalling that the age at which women make their first nuptial bliss is becoming late in recent times. Statistics have shown that the number of single women have doubled within a short space of time. The available chunk of studies have paid sufficient attention to the factors responsible for singlehood among older women. However, little studies have examined how different source marriage pressures influence how single women view themselves. Against this background, this article examines the sources of marriage pressures and how they influence the perception of singlehood among women in Nigeria. The study draws heavily on Marx Weber Social Action theory. A total of 24 yet-to-marry women selected through a multistage sampling technique were extensively interviewed. The study found that beside the direct marriage pressure from parents experienced by yet-to-marry women, they are also faced with indirect marriage pressure during gatherings with family, friends, and co-workers. The pressures sometimes translate to the women perceiving themselves as being judged, though most of them feel independent and free. They are of the opinion that they need to be careful in selecting a partner in order not to fall victim of a failed marriage despite having waited for long.





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