
  • O. P. ADEYEYE Department of Banking and Finance, Federal University, Oye-Ekiti.
  • O. FAPETU Department of Banking and Finance, College of Management Sciences, Federal University of Agriculture, P. M. B. 2240, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria
  • I. T. ADEFOLU Department of Banking and Finance, College of Management Sciences, Federal University of Agriculture, P. M. B. 2240, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria



bank services, service quality, customer satisfaction, deposit money banks


This study examined a critical question from customers’ perspective: Does quality of bank services lead to customer satisfaction in the Nigerian banking sector? The study is conducted using questionnaire survey administered in Nigeria using customers of some selected banks as sample. The paper uses primary data collected through scientifically developed questionnaires, which were administered on 174 bank customers selected on a convenient basis. The results, based on factor and regression analysis, identified four factors that impact customers’ assessment of the quality of banking services including responsiveness, reliability, tangibility and empathy respectively. The implication of the finding is to enhance the understanding of bank managers and other relevant stakeholders of customers’ perception of the quality of banking services and consequently reveal the path to developing strategies for improving their satisfaction. The study therefore, recommends that the Nigerian banks should make products and services available that best suits the peculiarity of each category of customers and improve the confidence Nigerians have in the banking sector.





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