
  • A. U. KABIR Federal University Dutse. PMB 7156 Dutse, Jigawa State Nigeria.
  • S. L. ABDURRAHAMAN Federal University Dutse. PMB 7156 Dutse, Jigawa State Nigeria.
  • I. B. SALISU Federal University Dutse. PMB 7156 Dutse, Jigawa State Nigeria.
  • M. DAHIRU Binyaminu Usman Polytechnic, PMB 013, Hadejia Jigawa State, Nigeria.
  • A. S. MUHAMMAD Binyaminu Usman Polytechnic, PMB 013, Hadejia Jigawa State, Nigeria.


Wheat straw, Silage, Acetic acid, Propionic acid, Butyric acid, Fermentation days


Volatile fatty acids of acetic acid, propionic acid and butyric acid are products of silage fermentation. The concentrations of volatile fatty acids in wheat straw ensiled with urea, poultry litter, watermelon peels and pineapple peels were determined in 0, 6, 12, 18, 24, and 30 fermentation days. The experiment was laid in a factorial randomized complete block design consisting 5 treatments; SWS (sole wheat straw), UWS (urea 2.5% + wheat straw), PLWS (poultry litter 25% + wheat straw), WPWS (watermelon peels 25% + wheat straw), and PPWS (pineapple peels 25% + wheat straw) each treatment were placed in triplicates. Samples from each treatment and fermentation day were collected and analyzed for concentration of volatile fatty acids (acetic, propionic, and butyric acids). The results showed a significant difference (P<0.05) in the concentrations of the acids in all treatments and the days of fermentation. The control (SWS) showed the highest levels of acetic (1.27 at 18 FDs), propionic (0.086 at FDs), and butyric acids (0.011 at 18 FDs), then PLWS but WPWS, PPWS, and UWS showed ranging similar values in acetic acid. In contrast, WPWS and PPWS show similar values in propionic acid and decreased butyric acid. In all the treatments, the concentration of the acids increased with an increase in fermentation days. It was concluded that wheat straw can be ensiled solely or with poultry litter for higher concentrations of volatile fatty acids.


Author Biographies

A. U. KABIR, Federal University Dutse. PMB 7156 Dutse, Jigawa State Nigeria.

Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Federal University Dutse. PMB 7156 Dutse,

Jigawa State Nigeria.

S. L. ABDURRAHAMAN, Federal University Dutse. PMB 7156 Dutse, Jigawa State Nigeria.

Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Federal University Dutse. PMB 7156 Dutse,

Jigawa State Nigeria.


I. B. SALISU, Federal University Dutse. PMB 7156 Dutse, Jigawa State Nigeria.

Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Federal University Dutse. PMB 7156 Dutse,

Jigawa State Nigeria.


M. DAHIRU, Binyaminu Usman Polytechnic, PMB 013, Hadejia Jigawa State, Nigeria.

Department of Animal Health and Production, Binyaminu Usman Polytechnic, PMB 013, Hadejia

Jigawa State, Nigeria.


A. S. MUHAMMAD, Binyaminu Usman Polytechnic, PMB 013, Hadejia Jigawa State, Nigeria.

Department of Animal Health and Production, Binyaminu Usman Polytechnic, PMB 013, Hadejia

Jigawa State, Nigeria.



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