Programmes, crude oil, policies, agriculture, infrastructure, economyAbstract
This review study is centred on Nigeria’s petro-dollar economy and its agricultural programmes and policies. Despite having generated billions of dollars in petroleum revenue and numerous agricultural programmes and policies over the years, Nigeria remains a food import-dependent country with a significant infrastructure deficit. The reality is that crude oil revenues have been mismanaged due to pervasive and widespread corruption. The oil revenue has not reflected much on the quality of life of the citizens; Nigeria ranks low in terms of human capital development on a global scale. It is recommended that public officials use public funds wisely and hold themselves accountable. In order to reduce Nigeria’s annual food import bill and meet the ever-increasing demand for food, it is also recommended that the government at every level spend sufficiently and sustainably on crop production and raise productivity through the use of improved technologies, rather than relying on agricultural land expansion, which, although a good thing if only it is accompanied by improved technologies, The fisheries and livestock sub-sectors must also be enhanced through the use of genetic engineering.
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