
  • T. T. JOSEPH-ADEKUNLE, 1Department of Horticulture, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria
  • S. I. AGBOYINU Totam Seeds, Netherlands, Plantsoen 4805, Wageningen Netherlands
  • A. O. OGUNLEYE Maintenance Department, High Court Complex, Opposite State Secretariat, Kobape Road, Abeokuta, Ogun State


Deterioration, Fruits, Health, Fungi load, Tomato


Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) fruit has high moisture content and very soft exocarp which predisposes it to mechanical damage and subsequent microbial infections that lead to spoilage. The condition is worsened with the postharvest and marketing/retail practices in the open markets; hence the experiments were carried out to isolate and identify the fungi causing deterioration of tomato fruits in major markets of selected Local Government Areas in Ogun State. Partially-deteriorated tomato fruits were collected from the markets for laboratory analysis using serial dilutions and pour plate method to isolate, identify and determine the frequency of occurrence of the fungi species present. Presence of Penicillium notatum, Aspergillus flavus, Alternaria spp and Fusarium oxysporum was established. Frequency of occurrence ranged between 17.14 and 65.71% while average fungi load count was 2.0 × 103. Occurrence was highest in metropolitan open daily market and least percentage in village weekly market.



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