
  • I. A. KAREEM Department of Forestry and Wildlife Management
  • M. F. ADEKUNLE Department of Forestry and Wildlife Management
  • M. O. ADEDOKUN Department of Forestry and Wildlife Management
  • C. P. IBEGBULEM Department of Forestry and Wildlife Management


Non-Timber Forest Product (NTFP), Marketing Efficiency, Profitability


Fluted pumpkin is a Non-Timber Forest Product (NTFP) of high importance to the socioeconomic life of the rural and urban dwellers. This study analyzed the marketing of Fluted Pumpkin (Telfairia occidentalis Hook) locally known as ‘ugu’ in different market locations in Alimosho Local Government Area, of Lagos State, Nigeria. Descriptive Statistics was used to estimate the socio-economic characteristics while inferential statistics was used to analyze the factors affecting the marketing of Fluted pumpkin (Telfairia occidentalis Hook) in the study area. Data were collected through the use of well-structured questionnaire administered to Fluted pumpkin traders in five (5) selected markets in Alimosho Local Government Area. These included Ayobo, Iyana-Ipaja, Dopemu, Ikotun and Igando markets. 200 copies of questionnaire comprising of 40 in each market were administered to the traders. Socio- economic characteristics of Telfairia occidentalis traders and marketing variables such as transportation cost, rent, labour cost, selling price, cost price, market tax, among others were collected and analysed. The results showed that ugu sellers were involved in both wholesale (47.4%) and retail (42.5%) marketing which implied that there were more wholesalers than retailers which was attributed to purchase of ugu in bulk. Marketing of Fluted pumpkin is gender sensitive; all 100% of the respondents were women; 56.8% had primary education and were married. They all sourced their capital from personal savings. Profitability analysis across the five markets revealed that it was highest (N25,669.74) in Iyana Ipaja and least (N20,785.53) in Ayobo market. Total revenue across markets revealed that it was highest (N106, 881.58) in Iyana Ipaja market and lowest (N94, 782.90) also in Ayobo market. The marketing efficiency of the respondents in each market revealed that Iyana Ipaja is the most efficient (129.99%) which indicated that for every N100 invested in Ugu market there is about N30 profit. It was concluded from the study that the trade of Ugu is a profitable venture in Alimosho Local Government Area and also capable of providing employment to people. Hence, there is need for enlightenment program on how to improve the profitability of Telfairia occidentalis through efficient marketing.



Author Biographies

I. A. KAREEM, Department of Forestry and Wildlife Management

Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun State Nigeria

M. F. ADEKUNLE, Department of Forestry and Wildlife Management

Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun State Nigeria


M. O. ADEDOKUN, Department of Forestry and Wildlife Management

Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun State Nigeria


C. P. IBEGBULEM , Department of Forestry and Wildlife Management

Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun State Nigeria



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Original Manuscript