
  • O. Y. AYO-AJASA Department of Animal Production and Health
  • C. P NJOKU Department of Animal Production and Health
  • A. O. DARE Department of Animal Production and Health
  • B. BOLANLE Department of Animal Production and Health
  • A. O. DARE Department of Animal Physiology


Growth performance, rabbits, Ficus asperifolia, liver histology


Various pharmacological actions such as anti-ulcer, anti-diabetic lipid lowering and antifungal activities have been described for Ficus asperifolia. It has been widely used in albino rats but with limited use in rabbits. This study was, therefore, conducted to evaluate the effect of aqueous Ficus asperifolia leaf extract (FALE) on the growth performance, blood profile and liver of New Zealand white rabbits raised under tropical conditions.  A total of 36 rabbits consisting of two groups of 18 bucks and 18 does were allotted to six treatment groups after weight equalization on the basis of sex and levels of FALE administration (0ml, 10ml and 20ml of aqueous FALE) in a 2x3 factorial arrangement, with each treatment consisting of 6 rabbits; each treatment was further subdivided into 3 replicates of 2 rabbits per replicate. Data on growth, haematology and serum biochemistry were collected and analysed using analysis of variance (ANOVA). Means, where significant, were separated using Duncan Multiple Range Test at (P<0.05). The livers were dissected and preserved in Bouin’s fluid while routine haematoxylin and eosin method was used to stain them. Aqueous Ficus asperifolia leaf extract significantly (P<0.05) affected total weight gain, total feed intake and feed efficiency while sex effect showed that final weight and total feed intake were significantly reduced in bucks (2011.11g and 1170.11g, respectively) compared to the does (2258g and1474.61g, respectively). Effect of interaction between Ficus asperifolia leaf extract and sex significantly affected total weight gain, total feed intake and feed efficiency. Haematological parameters were not influenced by the main effect of aqueous Ficus asperifolia leaf extract and sex except for white blood cells (WBC) which were significantly higher (7.90x109/L) in bucks. Also, WBC and lymphocytes were significantly influenced by their interactive effect. Total protein, globulin, glucose, Alkaline phosphate and calcium were significantly affected by levels of aqueous Ficus asperifolia leaf extract while cholesterol and calcium were influenced significantly by sex. Haematoxylin and Eosin (H&E) stained sections of liver tissue of rabbit bucks showed no remarkable vascular changes. This study indicated that aqueous Ficus asperifolia leaf extract is anti-hyperglycemic and can support rabbit production without any negative influence on the immune status of rabbit.



Author Biographies

O. Y. AYO-AJASA, Department of Animal Production and Health

Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria


C. P NJOKU, Department of Animal Production and Health

Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria



Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria


A. O. DARE, Department of Animal Production and Health

Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria


B. BOLANLE, Department of Animal Production and Health

Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria


A. O. DARE, Department of Animal Physiology

Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria



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