
  • L.W. AGBOOLA Department of Agricultural Development & Management, Agricultural and Rural Management Training Institute, P.M.B. 1343. Ilorin, Kwara State.
  • O.L. BALOGUN Department of Agriculture & Industrial Technology, School of Science & Technology, Babcock University, Ilisan Remo, Ogun State.



Arable crop farmers, Determinants, Household heads, Soil conservation techniques and Total factor productivity


The study examined soil conservation techniques and its effect on productivity of arable crop farmers in Kogi state, Nigeria. Data were collected from 184 farmers using three stage sampling technique.  Data analyses were carried out using descriptive statistics, Total Factor Productivity (TFP) and regression analysis. Result shows that the soil conservation technique prevalent in the area was application of inorganic fertilizer. About 36.4% of the sampled household heads have productivity value above average across all the soil conservation categories (productive). Result also reveals that age (-1.801), household size (-0.310) and access to credit (-0.056) impacted arable crop farmers negatively while alley cropping (0.357), crop rotation (0.380), application of inorganic fertilizer (0.503), mulching (0.560) and organic manure (0.373) positively impacted arable farmers’ productivity.  The study concludes that soil conservation techniques are productivity enhancer. Promoting sustainable conservation techniques that are farm or farmer specific is recommended.




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