




Factor, Job, Performance, Agricultural, Schools, Metropolis


The study examined the factor influencing the job performance of agricultural teachers in selected secondary schools in Abeokuta metropolis. A multistage random sampling technique was used to select 77 respondents for the study. The results showed that majority (62.5%) of the sampled teachers were male, while (77.9%) were married with a mean age of 38.9 years. The educational background showed that majority (64.9%) of the agricultural teachers had HND/B.Sc as their educational qualification with quite a lot of them (66.2%) belonging to the Christian faith group. Furthermore the results indicated that, adequate career opportunities with a mean score of (=4.06) were among the highest factor influencing the job performance of the respondents, while adequate performance appraisal with a mean score of (=3.56) was the least factor that contribute to the job performance of the respondents. Inferential statistical results showed that there was significant relationship between teachers job performance and their age (χ2=6.61, p<0.05) and working experience (χ2=7.26, p<0.05).Also constraints (r=-0.403, p<0.05) and lack of training/staff development (r=0.432, p<0.05) have significant relationship with the respondents job performance. The study concludes that adequate working environment and frequent pay rise in salary were among the major factors influencing the job performance of teachers in the study area. The study recommended that government should increase their budgetary allocation to education so that teachers’ job performance can be enhanced.


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