
  • Prof Chryss F. I Onwuka



GENERAL INSTRUCTIONSAuthors should submit electronic copy of themanuscript copies of the manuscript should thereafterbe sent to:The Editor–In–Chief, Journal of AgriculturalScience and Environment, FederalUniversity of Agriculture, P.M.B 2240,Abeokuta, Postcode 110001. Ogun State,Nigeria.Papers published in the Journal should bebased on original research or continuation ofprevious studies that are reproducible. Papersto be published in the Review Section shouldbe authoritative, topical and very current.Manuscripts should be typed on A4 (216 x279mm) paper, double spaced with wide margins(2.54cm) and line numbered where possible.Text: Should appear in the following order:Title, Authors’ names, Address of Authors, emailaddress and Telephone number, Abstract,Introduction, Materials and Methods,Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgements,References. Tables, Figures Legendsand Figures should be embedded in therelevant section of the text. Main sectionheadings should be bold, centered and uppercase letters. Do not underline the title or sectionheadings. Subsections may be includedand only the first letter of the subsectionshould be capitalized. Avoid excessive fragmentationof the paper.Use SI units of measurement, and italicize allLatin words and scientific names. Usenumerals before standard units of measurements,e.g., 3 g, 9 days; 36 hrs; otherwiseuse words for numbers one to nineand numerals for larger numbers. Forcommonly used terms and abbreviations,consult the latest edition of Council ofBiological Editors. Non Standard abbreviationsshould be avoided, and whereused, they should be explained at theirfirst mentioning.Title: Should be brief and reflect themain theme of the paper.By – Line: Authors’ names should appearbelow the title and below which the institutionaladdress and e-mail should betyped.Abstract: An abstract in English shouldinclude key words, arranged alphabeticallyusing only the first letter of the key words.Abstracts should be limited to < 200words, and should contain salient featuresof the study, briefly indicating method ofstudy, results, and the main conclusion.Single solid lines should separate the by –line material from the Abstract, and theAbstract from the main text. A short runningtitle should be included. 6 keywordsshould be typed in.Introduction: Provide a survey of literatureand clearly justify the need of thestudy.Materials and Methods: This should beinformative enough to enable readers tointerpret the results obtained. Particularattention should be paid to the design,analysis and statistics.




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